Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why a Website for Music?

That's what an inquizitive second grader asked me this week....

I thought it was important for me as a teacher to have contact with families outside of school. I want students to show thier parents what we are working on in class and I want parents to see how much thier children are learning and doing in our classroom.

This blog will be a great resource for students to print out music and practice at home or watch short clips and read lyrics for their shows.

We have been hard at work these past few weeks and are off to a great start. Most of the children have been singing and moving thier bodies as we learn about important music concepts to use on our intruments later. Check back soon. I am adding and updating things almost daily!

Happy Open House!

Mrs. M

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Let's Sing America!

Second Graders have been hard at work learning their performance songs for their musical about America.

So many students asked where they could get the music so they could practice at home. Here is a youtube playlist of kid-friendly videos to practice our songs. Click on the left hand corner of the video to see the whole playlist! Other songs that are not available on youtube are linked below, click to listen. Happy practicing!

Flying Eagle
We Are Americans Everyday

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Videos in Music Class?

This week in music students have been reviewing musical concepts by actively participating in music making! I use many videos downloaded from youtube to enhance and engage your students throughout music class. Here is a look at what we are exploring!

Kindergarten and First Grade:

We explored moving like dinosaurs and learned about marching! We also played rhythm sticks and hand drums to this awesome tune by Laurie Berkner. Check out her stuff on iTunes!

Second Grade:

We are already preparing for our play , "Let's Sing America!" on Thursday October 24th, in the Cafeteria! Stay tuned for more info and an invite from their classroom teachers!

Third Grade:

We are reviewing and memorizing the notes on the staff to get ready to play recorder. Don't forget to order yours! Here's a little ditty to help you remember your treble clef notes!

Fourth Grade:

We reviewed eighth, quarter, and rests with this fun video by playing along with rhythm instruments! We will be hearing music by John Williams (the composer for Star Wars) at our field trip in October to the Orchestra! 

Fifth Grade:

We are learning how to sing in harmony. Our first step was to learn how to sing "My Paddles Keen and Bright" and learn instrument parts to the song. We had fun canoeing around the classroom and showing off our singing skills. Fifth graders can sing!

Recorders for Sale!

Hello Parents and Families!

It is that time of year to order recorders for your THIRD GRADERS!

Students in third grade learn how to play the recorder and are required to bring one to music class on their music day. They are six dollars and come with a vinyl case, cleaning rod, and neck strap. If your child already has a recorder, they may bring their recorder to school to get it checked out by Mrs. Morgan. If the recorder matches the other classroom recorders in sound quality, they may use their recorder. I encourage you to buy the same brand of recorder that the other children will be using. The Peripole Recorder is a top of the line instrument that is made for beginning players, other brands may not be manufactured well enough to encourage proper playing and technique.

Please feel free to print out your order form and send it back to your child's teacher to order now. 
We can't wait to start playing our first wind instruments. Send in your money by Friday, September 27th and receive your recorder the week of October 1st!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

What do we do in Music?

Here's a short prezi about what each grade level does throughout the year in my class. I will also have this presentation playing at meet the teacher night and open house.

 :) Mrs. M

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I Can!

Hey there!

Today I am getting all of my lesson plans and unit plans ready for our music curriculum this year. My first step is to check out the state standards and make "I Can Statements". These statements help me plan all of my lessons throughout the year and will be posted in our classroom and checked off as we complete them. Check out your child's grade level and what they will be assessed on in music this year.

Florida Music Standards by Meghan Morgan

See you soon!

Mrs. Morgan

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Music Rules

It's back to school time and I am busy getting ready for all of you to come back to school. One thing that I think about a lot when getting ready to see you is how we will go over our classroom rules and procedures.

Our music classroom rules are:

1. Follow directions quickly.

2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

3. Raise you hand to leave your seat.

4. Make smart choices.

5. Keep your dear teacher happy!

I use a special kind of classroom management called Whole Brain Teaching. It is a really cool way to get students excited and on task. Check out their website for more info!

Other fun call and response activities will include... CLASS! YES!  , Hands and Eyes , and  Scoreboard!

See you soon!

Mrs. Morgan